Crisis in the Afterschool Workforce

A Conversation with Legislators and Program Providers

Crisis in the Afterschool Workforce thumbnail

On August 10, 2022, ACT Now hosted an event titled Crisis in the Afterschool Workforce: A Conversation with Legislators and Program Providers. During this event, we highlighted survey data, collected during spring 2022 to highlight the exacerbated staff shortage and the importance of supporting out-of-school time (OST) professionals.

We also shared recommendations and hosted a panel discussion in which State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas, Dana Kelly (Illinois Department of Human Services), Jeff Aranowski (Illinois State Board of Education), Teresa Dothard-Campbell (Glenview Middle School Lights ON for Learning), Maricela Bautista (Brighton Park Neighborhood Council) and Michael Holmes (Black Community Provider Network) advocated for the increase in funding and other holistic services for those working in the OST field.

  • To watch the recording of our virtual discussion of our research and hear from click hereThe password is: ACTNow4All!
  • To read the one-pager with our data and recommendations, click here
  • To access ACT Now’s PowerPoint Slide Deck, click here
  • To read Chalkbeat Chicago’s article on the event, click here
  • To watch Fox 32’s coverage of the event, click here