Opportunities for Providers


Pathways to Success- Effective Practices to Include Mentors and Role Models in STEM Programming

On April 3rd, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. join ACT Now for the fourth and final part of our Building Sustainable STEM Programming Webinar Series for FY25. This session will look at the importance of role models and mentors in a young person’s STEM journey. Reach out to Kim Turnbull (turnbullk@actnowillinois.org) with any questions.

Registration is Open for the Community Schools & Youth Development Convening! 

Join ACT Now on May 5th, 2025, at Northern Illinois University – Naperville Conference Center for a day filled with insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and interactive sessions focused on enhancing community schools and youth development. This in-person event will kick off at 8:30 a.m. and promises to be a valuable experience for all attendees, teaching theory, techniques, and best practices that support Illinois children, schools, families, and communities. Registration is now open! Reach out to Micheline Holmes (holmesm@actnowillinois.org) with any questions.

Ready, STEM, Go!

A national alliance of afterschool networks supported by the STEM Next Opportunity Fund are partnering to host a two-day virtual conference on May 7th and 8th, 2025, shining a spotlight on resources, strategies and inspiration to boost out-of-school-time (OST) STEM programming. Registration is now open for the no-cost virtual conference.

Save the Date: Community Schools and Youth Development Convening

ACT Now will be hosting the 2025 Illinois Community Schools and Youth Development Convening on Monday, May 5th, 2025, at NIU-Naperville (1120 E Diehl Rd, Naperville, IL). The conference will explore innovative approaches, effective practices, and community-driven solutions to enhance the impact of community schools and youth development. ACT Now is pleased to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for presenters at the upcoming convening. The proposal submission deadline is March 3rd, 2025.

Leading with Purpose: Restorative Leadership in Action

Great leaders don’t just manage teams—they cultivate trust, resilience, and collaboration. In this interactive training on March 18th, you’ll explore the principles of Restorative Leadership, a leadership style that strengthens relationships, resolves conflicts, and fosters an inclusive, equitable team environment. Register here.

Building Stronger Evidence on Recruiting, Training, and Retaining a High-Quality OST STEM Workforce

The National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) invites you to add your voice to this brief national Program Director survey to share how afterschool and summer programs best recruit, train, and retain out-of-school time (OST) staff delivering STEM activities.

PIE Day: Developing Meaningful Questions 

Join PIE Org from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. on March 14th, for a workshop, where you’ll learn best practices to elevate your qualitative data collection, gather feedback from employees/colleagues, and guide strategic decision-making. Register here.

The Things We Don’t Say: Proactive Mental Health Support for Youth 

Join ACT Now on March 5th, 2025 for The Things We Don’t Say: Proactive Mental Health Support for YouthThis engaging and high-impact workshop is designed to empower educators to strengthen their capacity to support youth mental health in their programs and community. 

IAN Award Nominations and Conference

Nominate an an outstanding individual or an innovative program operating in the out-of-school space in Illinois, by February 18th, 2025. The Illinois AfterSchool Network (IAN) Board of Directors will review the nominations and winners will be honored at the IAN Conference in Normal, IL on March 29th, 2025. Registration for the conference is open now!

Summer Planning Bootcamp

The National Summer Learning Association will be hosting its annual, virtual, free Summer Planning Bootcamp on March 13th and 14th, 2025. Join top education leaders, youth development experts, and programs who will share their resources, insights, and best practices on summer learning. 

Advocate for Afterschool at the State Capital

 is hosting an Advocacy Day in Springfield, Illinois! Join program providers, youth, and other supporters of afterschool, summer, and expanded learning programs to advocate for Illinois’ children and families. ACT Now is providing a bus for transportation, however space is limited. Advocacy Day will be March 19th, 2025, from 10:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The deadline to sign up for Advocacy Day is February 28th, 2025

Peer Mentoring and AI with Girls Who Code

Have your high school afterschool program members attend Girls Who Code’s AI + Peer Mentoring Workshop. In this workshop, students will explore AI concepts and gain insights into college readiness, guided by Girls Who Code College Loop members.

IAN Award Nominations and Conference

Nominate an an outstanding individual or an innovative program operating in the out-of-school space in Illinois, by February 18th, 2025. The Illinois AfterSchool Network (IAN) Board of Directors will review the nominations and winners will be honored at the IAN Conference in Normal, IL on March 29th, 2025. Registration for the conference is open now!

Teaching Climate Justice with Young People’s Literature and Media

The Center for Climate Literacy at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, will be hosting Teaching Climate Justice with Young People’s Literatures and Media will bring together 25 K-12 teachers to explore how stories can empower young people to develop the skills, attitudes, values, and beliefs necessary to advance climate justice. Learn more and apply here

Upcoming 21st CCLC Town Hall

ACT Now will be hosting a Town Hall meeting for all 21st Century Community Learning Centers providers on January 16, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will cover updates to grantees regarding programming, funding, upcoming deadlines, and advocacy strategies. Reach out to Nikki Gillani (gillanin@actnowillinois.org) with any questions.

U.S. Department of Education’s Recognition Program for Out-of-School Time Learning

The Engage Every Student Recognition Program recognition program aims to recognize Non-Profit Organizations, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and Municipalities or Local Government Entities working together to expand access to high-quality afterschool and summer learning programs. Applications will close on January 31st, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. EST.

The Department has also set up Office Hours for applicants to drop in and ask any questions prior to submitting their application. The next office hours will be held on January 8th, 2025, and registration is available here.

Applications Open for Illinois 2024-25 Green Ribbon Schools

ISBE and the Illinois Green Alliance have opened applications for the 2024-25 Illinois Green Ribbon Schools award. The Green Ribbon Schools program recognizes schools that are leading the way in promoting sustainability and environmental education. All​ application materials must be submitted by 5 p.m. on December 20th, 2024

Registration is Open for the Illinois Teacher Leadership Summit

The Illinois Teacher Leadership Summit will be held from February 28th to March 1st, 2025, at the Holiday Inn and Conference Center in Normal, IL. Educators will work to collaborate, problem-solve, develop, and develop an action plan to implement ideas and innovations within their organization.

College Access Steering Committee Nominations Open!

IllinoisCAN is soliciting nominees to fill seven-member seats on the committee, bringing its size to a total of 14 members – 2 per region of Illinois – an important step toward the goal of regional college access networks across the state. The new Steering Committee members will serve a two-year term from January 2025 through December 2026 and meet virtually four times yearly. Priority is given to member applications from outside the Chicagoland area. Please use the Illinois College Access Network (IllinoisCAN) Steering Committee Nomination form to nominate yourself or others by November 30, 2024.

Afterschool Alliance Wave 11 Fall Program Survey

As the 2024-2025 school year is underway, the Afterschool Alliance is conducting this survey to understand

  1. the support services afterschool and summer learning programs are currently providing
  2. the challenges they face
  3. what their needs are to better help the children and families they serve

Survey data will be shared with funders, policymakers, education leaders, and the public when discussing the importance of increasing investment in afterschool. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes of your time, and your responses will be anonymous. Everyone who completes the full survey will be entered into a drawing where 50 respondents will receive a $50 gift card.

2024 STEM Equity Learning Community Cohort

Techbridge Girls is facilitating a learning community for afterschool program administrators who provide STEM experiences to youth. Specifically, this cohort aims to support supervisors and administrators who serve BIPOC girls* and gender-expansive youth.

Free Help For FAFSA Applications

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) is hosting free one-on-one virtual help available for students who might need assistance completing the FAFSA or Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid. Please note: for students currently in college or who might be planning on it for the 2024-25 school year know that it’s not too late to get their financial aid application submitted! Students can book a virtual meeting up to seven days in advance, and there’s an option to meet with a Spanish-speaking ISACorps member if they prefer.

AI And Its Role In Accessibility

eSchool News has published an article about how educators, policymakers, and STEM professionals are viewing AI’s role in providing more accessibility to education for students and families. The article shares some of the complexities of navigating new technology.

Report on Education Field’s Labor Shortage and ESSER Cliff

The Learning Policy Institute (LPI) released a new report on challenges related to the ESSER funding cliff and the impact on the education field in terms of layoffs, shortages, and lack of resources.

2024-25 Human Services Professional Loan Repayment Program

Applications for the Human Services Professional Loan Repayment Program are being accepted, with priority given to applications completed before December 31, 2024. This program is designed to support human services professionals working at community-based organizations in Illinois by providing funds (which may be received annually) to help with the repayment of eligible educational loans. Learn more about this opportunity to see if you and/or your colleagues are eligible for this aid.

New Report on the Impact of Afterschool and Summer Learning Programs

The Afterschool Alliance released a report on afterschool and summer programs’ positive impact on students’ engagement in school, school-day attendance, academic performance, and mental well-being.

Data on Pandemic Highlights Unequal Impact on Student Populations

NWEA, a K-12 assessment and research organization, recently published a report that shows trends in science achievement since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using MAP Growth assessment results for grades three to eight, the report highlights drastic differences in academic recovery.

Survey Data Suggests Parents Cannot Access Child Care

The 74 released an article highlighting survey data that suggests parents are struggling with rising child care prices, unexpected closures, and a scarcity of providers.

Child Care Working Group Opportunity for Providers and Families

Illinois is bringing all early childhood programs under one new state agency — the Illinois Department of Early Childhood (IDEC). The Early Childhood Transition Advisory Council is looking for parents, families, providers, and other stakeholders to participate in workgroups to hear how to make the system work better for you! Our goal is a simpler, better, and fairer early childhood system in Illinois. ACT Now sees this as a great opportunity to include school-age child care providers in the re-imagining of the child care network in Illinois. Members of workgroups will be expected to attend regular meetings (typically monthly, as well as 1-2 hours of pre-work or discussion in between meetings. Workgroups will start later this fall/early winter. Please fill out this form to let us know if you are interested in serving on a workgroup:

Free Grant-Writing Trainings

The National League of Cities (NLC) and its partners will be facilitating free training programs to support local governmental entities and organizations in their grant-writing endeavors. These NLC trainings have already helped local governments throughout the country secure $275 million in federal grant funds.

Join ISAC for New Training on the Middle School PaCE Framework

The Illinois Student Assistance Commission is offering an opportunity to attend a training on the Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Curriculum for 6th through 8th grades. The event is at Illinois Valley Community College (IVCC) in Oglesby, Illinois on August 15, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The training is open to both middle and high school practitioners. Registration will close on August 12, 2024

Save the Date for Coordinators Appreciation Week (CAW)

The Coalition for Community Schools is excited to honor Community School Coordinators across the country during their 8th annual Coordinators Appreciation Week (CAW). This year CAW falls from September 15 to September 21. The Coalition for Community Schools will be releasing a toolkit next month, with lots of ideas, sample content, and templates to help you celebrate!

New Leaders Academy

Join the 21st CCLC National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC) team for this three-part series, where they’ll share best practices and approaches for structuring a 21st CCLC program from the ground up. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions and share their own successful strategies with others. The webinar series will take place from August 13 to August 15Register here!

PIE is Hiring an Evaluation Coach!

Planning, Implementation & Evaluation Org (PIE) is a Chicago-based, national provider of evaluation, capacity building, and strategic planning services. An Evaluation Coach of PIE Org is responsible for leading a diverse array of projects, staff, and clients through multiple evaluation cycles in a culturally competent and responsive manner. Primary work includes the strategic leadership of external evaluation work, evaluation coaching to help organizations build their internal evaluation capacity, and collaboration with PIE Org staff to do this work. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. 

Project Brainy

Project Brainy is a six-session neuroscience-based curriculum designed for OST programs. The curriculum enables students to build social-emotional skills, engage in interactive STEM learning, and increase literacy. Summer and fall OST programs are invited to apply to participate in a research project to study the implementation of the curriculum. Selected programs will receive training and ongoing support on the curriculum and a $1,500 participation stipend. Learn more and apply here.

Fall Field Trip Planning

The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum released a Fall Field Trip Planning Guide. The guide is designed to help prepare students for their field trip experience and contains tips to make the most out of a visit to the Nature Museum. To schedule field trip at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, click here 

Engage Girls in STEM  

Techbridge Girls developed a training video to help role models and volunteers engage young girls in STEM programs. The training helps role models and volunteers develop skills to engage girls from marginalized communities in STEM through videos, reflection questions and more. 

Chicago Public Schools Out-of-School Time Partners Office Hours

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is holding office hours with its out-of-school time (OST) partnerships office. These office hours occur between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 during the weekday.

Volunteer Grant Reviewer Opportunity

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is seeking community members to read and review grant applications submitted by organizations across Illinois for its equity-based grant programs, such as the Restore. Reinvest. Renew. (R3) opportunity. Reviewers are trained and sit on a team of three to review a number of proposals based on clearly outlined criteria. This collaborative approach will enhance ICJIA’s application review process with the assistance of individuals with diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences.


Help ACT Now Foster Inclusive Out-of-School Time (OST) Programs! 

We are surveying the field to better understand the needs and experiences of programs serving youth with disabilities. By gathering feedback, ACT Now aims to inform and strengthen inclusive practices, ensuring all students – regardless of background or ability – have equitable opportunities to thrive. This survey explores the types of disabilities and unique challenges youth may face. The insights collected will:

  1. Highlight strengths and areas for growth in supporting youth with disabilities 
  2. Guide professional development and training opportunities 
  3. Inform strategies to enhance program accessibility, inclusivity, and enrichment 

Your input is valuable! Thank you for contributing to fostering inclusive and supportive programs for all youth! The deadline for completion is January 17, 2025. We hope to hear from you! For questions, please contact Emma Doell (Policy and Communications Intern) at doelle@actnowillinois.org.

Workforce Survey for Human Services Professionals

Our friends at the Illinois Partners for Human Service are conducting statewide research to better understand the actual cost of delivering human services in Illinois. Completing this survey will help shed light on what is missing from current grants and reimbursement rates, and allow the agency to develop practical solutions for bridging these gaps in funding. The deadline to submit the survey is October 25, 2024.

Surveys on the State of Out-of-School Time STEM in Chicago

The Chicago STEM Pathways Cooperative is asking organizations to complete the State of STEM in Out-of-School Time Citywide Landscape Survey, an initiative launched by the Co-op Leadership Team in collaboration with Northwestern University. This initiative consists of four surveys for Community OrganizationsSchoolsSTEM Employers, and Workforce Development Organizations. The results of these surveys will shape the understanding of and policy surrounding citywide STEM programming. Please email hdembosky@projectexploration.org with any questions.

STEM Opportunity Alliance Partner Survey!

The STEM Opportunity Alliance (SOA) is asking organizations to review goals and action steps in the National Strategy for STEMM Excellence and Equity and provide feedback on the strategy.

Safety, Health, & Nutrition

Annual Child Nutrition Conference

The annual National Child Nutrition Conference held by the National CACFP Association will be April 14th through 18th, 2025, and aims to bring together providers for training and networking related to child nutrition and food access.

School Wellness Conference and Nutrition Breakout Sessions

ISBE is partnering with the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools and Social-Emotional Learning Hubs to present the School Wellness Conference in Normal, April 7th to 9th, 2025. School nutrition professionals are encouraged to attend the nutrition breakout sessions! 

ISBE School Wellness Conference – Call for Breakout Session Presenters

ISBE is seeking proposals for breakout session presenters at the 2025 School Wellness Conference. Proposals are due December 15th, 2024 and the conference will be held April 7th – 9th, 2025.

Food Security: Summer EBT Survey

No Kid Hungry has championed the new Summer EBT (“Sunbucks”) program launched this year by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The survey explores how Summer EBT helps or can help children and their families, as well as opportunities to improve enrollment. No Kid Hungry will use survey results to inform recommendations to state leaders and community organizations and to inform its food security advocacy efforts. The survey is open now through December, in states offering Summer EBT.

Help Reduce the Spread of Seasonal Influenza in Schools

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidance for school administrators regarding information to help reduce the spread of seasonal influenza (flu) among students and staff in K-12 schools. 

The Connectory: Integrating Wellness into STEM Education

In collaboration with Healthier Generation’s new Eating Healthy at Home campaign, The Connectory is highlighting five key activities to encourage picky eaters of all ages to try new and nutritious foods – all with a STEM twist.

  1. “I tried It” Chart: Support food preferences while building critical thinking skills. Choose 2-3 types of vegetables or prepare one multiple ways (e.g., raw vs. steamed). Try the veggie plain and rank how much it was enjoyed using emojis or stickers. Add dips and sauces too!
  2. Make Trying (and Retrying) Fun:As you introduce a new item to a child’s diet, add a hands-on counting twist. Label bowls with numbers and ask the child to put the correct amount into the corresponding bowl.
  3. Wild Names for New Foods:There are creative ways to experiment with food preferences, such as pairing a new or disliked food with an ingredient, animal or insect a child enjoys. Does your student dislike peas? Try pairing peas with pasta and giving the dish an exotic name like Beetle Pasta.
  4. Delicious Science:Discuss the science of blending, boiling, baking, and other food prep options and how it changes a child’s preference. Click here for more ideas.
  5. Apple Math Taste Test: Choose 3-4 varieties of apples. Make predictions together on the weight and measurements of each apple. For a literacy “add on”, read Apple Fractions.

For more of Healthier Generation’s resources, click here

Family and Community Partnerships

Illinois Immigration Town Hall

Tomorrow, on January 15th, 2025, at 6:00 p.m., the Syrian Community Network will be hosting a town hall to inform the general public, immigrant community members, and other interested parties about the rights of all immigrants in the state of Illinois, within Cook County, and within Chicago.

ACT Now Advocacy Training Series

ACT Now will be hosting a training series on policy and advocacy for the Out-of-School Time space. Join us on January 24th, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for Advocacy 101. This introductory course provides a comprehensive overview of advocacy, empowering participants to drive meaningful change within their communities and beyond. Participants will explore the fundamental principles of advocacy, including what it means to advocate, who can be the target of advocacy efforts, and how to effectively communicate their message. There will be an advocacy training every month for the rest of the fiscal year.

Virtual Community Schools Midwest Convening

The Institute for Educational Leadership will be hosting its 3rd annual Midwest virtual convening on February 4, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. This virtual convening will include opportunities for principals, Community School Coordinators, school staff, school administrators, community partners, and anyone interested in Community Schools. Register today for the virtual convening.

Answering Students’ Questions About The Presidential Election

Chalkbeat Chicago and the New York Times have collaborated to answer questions that students have asked regarding the upcoming presidential election.

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

The U.S. Department of the Interior posted an article that explains different ways to celebrate Native American Heritage Month not only in November, but also all year!

Illinois Birth to Five Seeks Family Council Members 

Birth to Five Illinois is a new statewide program centering family voice in the decisions made in Early Childhood Education and Care. Family Council Members will be asked to advocate for family needs, share critical input to improve programs, and serve as an advisory committee for their region’s Action Council. Birth to Five Illinois is currently seeking additional interested parents and caregivers with a child eight years of age or younger.

Strengthening Chicago’s Youth Podcast: The Parenting Supports

The Parenting Supports Podcast, sponsored by Strengthening Chicago’s Youth (SCY), is about all things parenting. SCY aims to empower their audience by providing information on topics relevant to the lives of parents, caretakers, family members, and community providers. Topics surround self-care, trauma, and managing stress and anxiety while adjusting to a pandemic. The podcast is also available on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Google Podcasts

My CHI. My Future: Remote Learning Supervision Hubs 

My CHI. My Future. has updated its list of organizations that are providing supervision and care during the remote learning school day for children ages 3 through 14. Hours, fees, and availability should be confirmed directly with the organization and specific offerings have not been formally approved by the City of Chicago or Chicago Public Schools (CPS).  Also, now you are able to see where these opportunities are located, based upon their zip code in the City of Chicago. To view the map and learn more information about supervision and care, click here.

Forefront and Serve Illinois: Nonprofit Volunteer Opportunities Page

In collaboration with ForefrontServe Illinois has developed a statewide page for nonprofits to post volunteer opportunities. Through this page, you can learn more, submit opportunities, become a partner, or search for opportunities by county. Click here to review the page.

Chicago Moves – Transportation Cost Relief

Chicago Moves is a short-term assistance program that provides financial relief for Chicago residents struggling with transportation expenses. The program grants $150 prepaid cards eligible for redemption at local Chicago gas stations as well as $50 prepaid cards eligible for use on public transit. Apply today!

Professional Development & Qualifications

Techbridge Girls Opportunities

Techbridge Girls is recruiting educators, out-of-school-time (OST) supervisors, and administrators that serve programs to Black, Latina, and Indigenous girls for the following:

  1. Certified STEM Curriculum FacilitatorExtended Deadline: December 13, 2024
  2. STEM Equity Learning CommunityApplication Deadline: January 10, 2025

Culturally Responsive Professional Development

Join ACT Now on September 26, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. via Zoom for the first session of our FY25 Cultural Responsiveness series! This session will focus on Culturally Responsive Professional Development. Learn about how managers and leadership can invest in their employees by enhancing soft and hard skills and offering well-designed professional development that can improve work quality for employees at all levels.

Engagement level: Medium
Audience: Management, Administrators, Leadership 

For questions, please reach out to Tyrone Taliaferro at taliaferrot@actnowillinois.org.

NAA25 Conference: Unleashing People, Potential, and Possibilities

The National AfterSchool Association (NAA) is hosting its annual spring conference in Nashville, Tennesee. The conference will span from March 9th to March 12th, 2025. There are opportunities to connect with colleagues in the field, access resources to provide programming, and more!

EducationWeek Webinars on Educational Technology

EducationWeek is partnering with various entities to highlight what classroom technology exists and provide professional development on student data, ed-tech policy, and more. Sessions are kicking off in September!

Back-to-School Boot Camps

BOOST Cafe is hosting a series of training sessions for staff to support them in serving youth, families, and communities during the new school year. These professional development opportunities focus on SEL strategies that benefit the whole child.

Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) Conference

The ASTC Conference is happening in Chicago, from September 27th, 2024, to October 1st, 2024. The National Informal STEM Education (NISE) Network activities include a pre-conference intensive session, concurrent sessions, an exhibit hall booth, and a networking happy hour. The happy hour will take place at the Marriott Showroom Food Hall on Saturday night, September 28th. Learn more about the professional development opportunities!

Additional Resources and Support for Youth within the DCFS System
Health Choice Illinois is an insurance company that works to support any youth that has been in the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) system. In addition to health insurance and case management, the Youth Care program allows the company to also support young people by providing funding for afterschool programs, uniforms, and gym memberships. Learn more here.

CDOT Safe Ambassadors to Support Chicago Youth and Families

The Chicago Department of Transportation’s SAFE Ambassadors offers free traffic-safety education and programming for diverse stakeholders. Whether your program needs ride support for a community bike event, a share-the-road presentation for drivers, or transportation-resource tabling at your neighborhood event, the SAFE Ambassadors offer a wide range of free services. 

Engaging Girls in Engineering!

Scientific Adventures for Girls (SAfG) is hosting a three part curriculum training series focused on their free curriculum aimed to engage and excite more girls in engineering and design. Participants will leave the series with four engineering design projects and a materials list that they can implement with youth. The training will take place on February 21, 2023 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Invention Convention Training for Educators

Would you like to get your students involved in the Chicago Invention Convention and bring their creativity and ingenuity alive? Then this is for you

Illinois State Board of Education: Free Professional Learning Series for Kindergarten Educators

The Illinois Stated Board of Education (ISBE) and the Erikson Institute have partnered in order to provide professional development opportunities for kindergarten teachers across Illinois. Project Connect will allow teachers will earn professional development hours and get practical resources for their classroom while learning new ways to assess and address the needs of the “whole child.” 

Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Grant Training

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is hosting a training for those interested in securing state grant funding. This course will ease the application process for organizations looking to access ICJIA grants. Participants will receive an overview of the ICJIA grant process, how to set up a budget and complete a program narrative, and what it means to comply with the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA).

Youth Development, Programming, & Activities

Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s Success Network Conference

Registration is now open for the Illinois Education and Career Success Network’s Success Network Conference on February 25th, 2025. The conference is an engaging learning opportunity designed for leaders and stakeholders interested in equitably increasing postsecondary attainment in Illinois.

Computer Science Education Education Week Resources

TECH CORPS and Hyland are offering free computer science activities and resources for Computer Science Education Week (December 9, 2024, through December 15, 2024). Educators who register by November 15, 2024, will receive:

  • A free educator t-shirt and student stickers (while supplies last)
  • Ready-to-use computer science activities delivered directly to their inbox for grades 3 through 8
  • Downloadable certificates for their students
  • A chance to win $1,000 worth of computer science materials

This program is perfect for both classroom teachers and out-of-school-time educators who want to inspire the next generation of innovators through computer science and algorithmic thinking activities.

New Engage Every Student Nomination Process

The Engage Every Student Initiative is designed to ensure that every student who wants one has a spot in a high-quality out-of-school time program. During the pandemic, partners helped track COVID-19 investments, showcasing the funds leveraged to expand access to afterschool and summer learning at the state, city, and district levels. Building off this initiative, the U.S. Department of Education and five partnering organizations designed the Engage Every Student Recognition Program, which aims to recognize

  1. non-profit organizations working in collaboration with school district/local education agencies (LEAs)
  2. city municipalities or local government entities working in collaboration with school districts/LEAs
  3. local education agencies (LEAs) collaborating with non-profit organizations or city municipalities that engage K-12 students in high-quality afterschool or summer learning programming.

The Initiative will hold an All Call for Nominations of entities that adhere to the aforementioned eligibility criteria that are engaging students in high-quality afterschool and/or summer learning programs. The Department will open the online submission form for nominations from October 24, 2024, until January 31, 2025.Career Pathways Materials

The Department of Education’s Best Practice Clearing House is sharing multiple resources that support out-of-school time (OST) providers in facilitating career exploration experiences for youth.

2024-2025 Engage Every Student Recognition Program

To be eligible for the 2024-2025 Engage Every Student Recognition Program, an entity must be a:

  1. non-profit organization working in collaboration with local education agencies (LEAs)
  2. city municipality or local government entity working in collaboration with local education agencies (LEAs)
  3. local education agency (LEA) working in collaboration with a non-profit organization or city municipality/local government entity

The entire application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on January 31, 2025.

Techbridge Girls STEM Curriculum Facilitation

Techbridge Girls is offering out-of-school time (OST) providers an opportunity for training and curriculum on three different areas: 1) Ignite: Youth Inventors, 2) Inspire: Earth Engineers, and 3) ChangeMakers. There is an information session tomorrow, October 30, 2024, at noon. Applications will be reviewed in batches. The first round of applications is due November 15, 2024. Applicants will be notified of their status by December 1st. If space is available, a second round of applications will be considered with a due date of December 16, 2024.

Mobile Museum of Tolerance Literacy Workshop

The Museums of Tolerance have released a mobile classroom-based workshop on digital media literacy to assist students in identifying and addressing online hate. This resource aligns with the Illinois Grades 9-12 Media Literacy Standards and with an adapted version for Grades 4-8.

SparkPlay Playworks Training and Resources

Our friends at Playworks and ChangeX are providing access to SparkPlay (Playworks’ online training platform) and $500 mini-grants which are intended for play equipment. SparkPlay is a subscription for the school which includes 50 user accounts, tutorials on games (hundreds of videos), a suggested scope and sequence, and live consultation from a Playworks trainer. 

Mock Election Resources

EducationWeek released tips for facilitating an engaging, and age-appropriate mock debate and election to help students become more civically engaged.

SEL Classroom Management Training with In-Field Experts

Social-emotional learning (SEL) teaches youth the vital skills that help to lead a healthy, happy life. Join ACT Now on October 22, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to hear from three afterschool experts from across Illinois, in different environments and subject areas. They will share how they have incorporated SEL into their classroom management styles. At this webinar, panelists will also discuss:

  • Building SEL-informed environments
  • Daily practices for SEL
  • Hitting the reset button in their classrooms
  • Additional questions from the audience

Engagement level: Low
Audience: Direct service providers

If you are not a member of ANCAL please register to access this training. Once you have created an account you will be able to search for the training in the course catalog. Register for ANCAL! If you are already a member of ANCAL search ‘SEL Classroom Management with In-Field Experts’ in the course catalog or Register for the Training!
For questions, please reach out to Naomi Oster at ostern@actnowillinois.org.

Students Share They Want More College and Workforce Readiness Opportunities 

EdudationWeek is starting a new series called “The High School Handoff” to share insights from students who are looking for more career education. This information focuses on school districts’ initiatives but can support providers looking to amplify career development opportunities in their out-of-school time (OST) programming.

Students Are Asking For Clarity On Postsecondary Pathways

eSchool News wrote a brief article on how students need more information about post-secondary opportunities. The article also highlights a few digital resources to support discussions with youth about careers.

Lights On Afterschool Giveaway

Register your Lights On event by October 10, 2024, to receive your 10 free posters! That’s right, there are only a few days left to receive your copies of this year’s official Lights On Afterschool poster. The Afterschool Alliance is also giving away 10 coloring mats (each mat serves 16-32 children) and 10 Galatic Grub storyboard packs (each pack serves 25-50 children) from WRiTE BRAiN! These are perfect for giveaways and Lights On event activities or favors!

National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) Programs

The National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) is a trade association serving manufacturers of fluid power (hydraulic and pneumatic) components and systems, their distributors, suppliers, and related educators. NFPA members are looking to support students interested in pursuing careers and education in the fluid power industry. There are available grants, scholarships, curriculum, the Fluid Power Action Challenge, and more. If you have any questions, contact NFPA’s Workforce Team at workforce@nfpa.com.

Lights On Afterschool – STEM Prizes for Registering Events!

Register your Lights On event by October 3rd, 2024, for a chance to win 4-H Food for Thought STEM Challenge kits. This year’s kit provides fundamental knowledge on food security, exploring how it impacts communities locally and globally, and empowering youth to co-create more food-secure environments. 50 programs will win five kits designed to serve youth ages 6-10. Additionally, one program will win an assortment of fruit-flavored Torani Flavoring Syrups, complete with plastic logo cups, syrup pumps, and cocktail napkins— everything you need to host an Italian soda party or reward hard-working staff!  

2024-25 U.S. Presidential Scholars

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is accepting nominations for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program for the school year 2024-25. The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established to recognize and honor some of our nation’s most distinguished graduating high school seniors. Throughout the years, it has been expanded to honor students with talent in the visual, creative, and performing arts – as well as those who demonstrate excellence in Career and Technical Education (CTE). The state superintendent of education can nominate up to 10 male and female students for the general component of the program and up to five additional students for the CTE component. Please complete and submit a nomination form by5:00 p.m.  CST on September 30, 2024. If you have questions about the program or nomination process, please contact presidentialscholars@isbe.net or 217-782-5270.

National Service 101: A Toolkit for Afterschool Programs

Supported by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, this toolkit emphasizes how AmeriCorps members positively impact the community, schools, afterschool programs, and community-based organizations through partnerships/placements.

Fall 2024 Data Detectives Club Program Opportunity

Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Data Detectives Clubs provide data activities and challenges based on a science adventure novel called Pandemics! The novel follows two middle school students who travel through time and space to learn about past and present epidemics including measles, smallpox, Ebola, and COVID. Each chapter is accompanied by hands-on activities like exploring real-world disease data, a card game on disease transmission, and a vaccination simulation game. The project has engaged over 1,000 youth in more than 60 clubs over three years, showing a significant positive impact on all outcomes. To apply to host a Data Detectives Club this fall, please fill out the form by August 15, 2024.

Field Museum Educator and Community Programming Events

Our friends at the Field Museum are hosting several upcoming events and open houses to highlight their informal/formal education learning opportunities for individuals who teach middle and high school students. There are also educational family events! If your organization is hosting a workshop, feel free to use these slides to talk about the Field Museum’s programs!

We Love Afterschool!

This Valentine’s Day, share some of the reasons afterschool why you and the youth in your program. To help you celebrate, the Afterschool Alliance has created a template that can be filled out by students and family members! 

Latina Girls Who Code 

Latina Girls Code (LGC), formed in 2014, is a program that aims to bridge the diversity gap in STEM for Latinx girls who are interested in technology. LGC works to provide mentors, access to hardware and digital tools, as well as internships through various programs and events throughout the year for youth. 

Wage Supplement Program

Great START (Strategy to Attract and Retain Teachers) is a wage supplement program that rewards eligible early care and education and school-age care practitioners who have completed college coursework, and stay at their current place of employment. Great START recipients are sent a check every six months (based on continued eligibility) to supplement their income. To learn more, click here.

NCWIT Learning from Young Women Study

This National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) study explores why some women pursue and/or persist in computing fields, while some do not. Data included a large sample of women from around the United States in high school, college, and the workforce over six years. Key findings underscore the importance of recognizing institutional and cultural factors that reinforce and maintain exclusionary practices, highlighting how gender and ethnicity-blind meritocracy perpetuate systemic biases.

National Geographic Society: National Geographic Explorer Classroom

This fall, the National Geographic Society is hosting a series of National Geographic’s Explorer Classroom events designed specifically for Out-of-School Time providers. Two versions are offered: one is recommended for grades 1-3 and the other recommended for grades 4-8. All Explorer Classroom events are supported by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The live YouTube sessions connect young people with cutting-edge scientists, researchers, and powerful storytellers around the world. The events are free and include opportunities to ask questions and receive guidance for facilitating conversations between youth and STEM professionals. To learn more and to register, click here.

Libraries Ready To Code

The American Library Association’s Ready To Code Collection provides resources and strategies for coding and computational thinking activities that are grounded in research, aligned with library core values, and support broadening participation. They have three experience levels to help library staff connect with resources that reflect their own computational thinking (CT) experiences, communities, goals, and interests.  

Chicago Student Invention Convention Mentor Opportunity

The Chicago Student Invention Convention (CSIC) prepares K-8th graders today with the innovative skills they will need tomorrow to succeed in life and work in the 21st century. CSIC is a free program that trains educators in its experiential, applied STEM invention learning and encourages students to develop critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills to positively impact their own lives and communities. CSIC is soliciting mentors for its annual competition. Interested educators and afterschool program providers should register for the program here.

Connecting Students from K to Career

The National AfterSchool Association has partnered with Discovery Education to inspire a culture of STEM education in K–12 schools and afterschool organizations nationwide. Select schools and afterschool organizations will be provided full access to Discovery Education’s Daily Learning Platform, making it easy to find engaging resources that reach every student. Discovery Education’s flexible, award-winning K—12 learning platform connects educators and afterschool professionals to a vast collection of high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital lessons, and timely professional learning. 

American Writers Museum: Online Education Program

The American Writers Museum (AWM) has unveiled an interactive online education program featuring young, diverse, and thought-provoking authors. This initiative is designed to inspire young writers across the United States. The interactive program includes live and virtual sessions with AWM education staff and renowned writers, as well as other digital materials developed for students grades 3 through 12. To review the Museum’s online educational programs, click here.  

Gateways to Opportunity Registry

Gateways to Opportunity is a statewide professional development support system for individuals and programs serving youth and families. The Gateways Registry membership is FREE and offers a quick and easy way to track your training and education online, and meets Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (IDCFS) licensing requirements.

Adolescent Development Toolkit

ACT for Youth‘s Adolescent Development Toolkit presents selected resources that explain and describe adolescent development. Resources include guides, articles, fact sheets, videos, narrated presentations, and websites.