
Our research-backed Quality Standards initiative brings best practices, continual improvement and positive outcomes to afterschool programming around the state.

Quality Standards

Defining Quality in Afterschool

Research-based standards broken into seven overarching categories that represent key areas of program quality.


Self-Assessment Tool

Online strengths-based tool to self-assess program performance based on the Illinois Statewide Afterschool Quality Standards.

Quality in Action

Below are examples of Illinois afterschool providers implementing the Illinois Statewide Afterschool Quality Standards. The Standards encompass seven Core Areas, which capture practices that research demonstrates lead to quality programs and positive outcomes for children and youth. Since ACT Now published the Standards in May 2016, over 300 afterschool providers, educators, and advocates have attended 16 provider trainings across the state.

At the workshops, our organization provided attendees tools for implementing the Standards and helped attendees develop strategies for overcoming obstacles in implementing best practices. To support providers in their pursuit of quality, ACT Now has gathered examples from the field of the Standards in action.