Teen REACH is a comprehensive, Out-of-School Time (OST) program model designed to expand the range of choices and opportunities that enable, empower and encourage youth to achieve positive growth and development, improve expectations and capacities for future success, and avoid and/or reduce risk-taking behavior.
This is done through offering a range of core services and activities designed to have a positive impact on a youth’s social, creative, physical, and cognitive development. Specifically, this means providing youth with safe environments with caring adults, and guiding them toward educational success, marketable skills, and opportunities to serve their communities.
ACT Now has developed a tiered Training, Technical Assistance, and Support (TTAS) approach to ensure that all grantees are receiving support that is reflective of the unique needs and strengths of their programs, and the youth families, and communities they serve.
ACT Now Technical Assistance Team

Kasey Brown
Senior Technical Assistance SpecialistShe/Her, Building Tier

Tyrone Taliaferro
Technical Assistance SpecialistHe/Him, Solid Tier

Andrew Hitzhusen
Technical Assistance SpecialistHe/They, Strong Tier

Chelsea Corbett
Deputy Director of Training, Technical Assistance, and SupportShe/Her
Important Information & Links
Teen REACH Hub
The Teen REACH Hub is your central resource for all things related to the Teen REACH grant. Here, Teen REACH providers can find grant-related documents, training materials, guidelines, and updates.
Illinois Quality Program Self-Assessment (IL-QPSA)
The Illinois Quality Program Self-Assessment (IL-QPSA) is a free online strengths-based self-assessment tool that allows individuals out-of-school time (OST) providers the opportunity to self-assess on their performance based on the Illinois Statewide Afterschool Quality Standards.
FY25 IL-QPSA Registration Form
Completion of the IL-QPSA is a requirement for the Teen REACH grant.
Teen REACH Technical Assistance and Support Network
At ACT Now, we believe in the power of collaboration to enhance the quality and reach of OST programs. Our afterschool provider network is a collective of esteemed organizations that partner with us to deliver comprehensive support and resources to Teen REACH providers.
Through this network, we aim to foster a community of collaboration, share best practices, and provide tailored assistance to ensure that every OST program can thrive and make a lasting impact on the lives of youth.