Advocacy Resources and Reports

Resources including reports, webinars, toolkits and white papers for advocacy efforts.

FY26 STATE Budget


Tell Governor JB Pritzker to Include Afterschool in the FY26 Budget

ACT Now 
is spearheading a sign on letter to Governor JB Pritzker to encourage him to release funding for afterschool programs that was appropriated last June and to sustain this funding in next year’s budget.  

State government has been holding on to $50 million in funding allocated for afterschool programs for over six months, while afterschool programs have lost funding and shut down. Parents are in crisis from lost child care and youth are in jeopardy without safe spaces after school. 

This funding will expire if action isn’t taken soon. We can’t leave assets on the table while afterschool programs struggle daily. We need the Governor to step in and release this funding now and include it in his FY26 budget to sustain this programs long term. We also need full funding for all other afterschool programs in the state budget as outlined below. 

We encourage you to sign on to our letter to the Governor here! We also encourage you to share the sign on letter with your program administration, community members, and other advocates for afterschool! Please sign on by January 31st, 2025!

Our full FY26 budget asks include:

  • Maintain the $50 million annual appropriation to fund community learning centers supporting afterschool programs and community schools. The $50 million appropriation from FY25 has still not been released by ISBE. It is imperative that this funding becomes a sustained investment to ensure the sustainability of afterschool programs in Illinois.
  • Increase Teen REACH funding to $27.3 million. Teen REACH programs have not received rate increases to address the increased costs associated with inflation, materials, and the number of youth they serve and funding was reduced in FY25.
  • Fund the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) at $3.2 billion, with at least $55 million designated to cover an expected increase in CCAP participation.
  • Maintain funding at $6 million for After School Matters. This funding line will enable After School Matters to continue supporting teens across Chicago with paid opportunities to develop critical skills for work, college, and beyond.
  • Allocate $25 million to the Illinois State Board of Education’s After School Programs line. 
  • Appropriate $202 million for ICJIA’s Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) program.

Take action and encourage the Governor to support afterschool! Please also share our sign on letter with your administration, community members, and anyone who would be interested in supporting afterschool funding. 

Illinois State Board of Education FY26 Budget Hearing Resources

The Illinois State Board of Education’s (ISBE) budget hearings for fiscal year 2026 are quickly approaching. You can submit funding requests in writing via the Budget Hearing FormACT Now has developed instructions to help programs interested in participating. You will note that there are TWO lines to support afterschool programs:
– “After-School Programs”: $25 million (the traditional program that funds school sites and community-based organizations to provide out-of-school time experiences)
– “After School Programs”: $50 million (the new appropriation to support community learning centers, afterschool, and community schools programs)

Individuals who submit a budget request are also invited to speak at one of three budget hearings.
– IN-PERSON on October 8th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 
– VIRTUALLY on October 10th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 
– VIRTUALLY on October 28th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

You can sign up to speak, here. ISBE will give equal consideration to all written and oral testimony.  NOTE: if multiple individuals from the same organization submit budget requests for the same budget hearing day, only one person may speak on behalf of the organization. 

We know that some people may highlight the impact of the delays in disseminating these funds. If you would like to see the sign-on letter, we sent to ISBE leadership, the General Assembly, and the Governor’s Office for language, click here

FY25 STATE Budget

Policy Trainings

ACT Now is hosting several FREE policy trainings to support out-of-school time (OST) professionals in their advocacy efforts. You must be signed up for ANCAL to register for these events.

January 24, 2025: Advocacy 101 – This introductory course provides a comprehensive overview of advocacy, empowering participants to drive meaningful change within their communities and beyond. Participants will explore the fundamental principles of advocacy, including what it means to advocate, who can be the target of advocacy efforts, and how to effectively communicate their message.

  • Key topics include:
    • The definition and purpose of advocacy.
    • Understanding the distinctions between lobbying and educating decision-makers.
    • Identifying and engaging with key stakeholders such as legislators, policymakers, and community leaders.
    • A foundational overview of government structures and timelines to understand how to influence policy effectively.
    • Participants will gain the skills and confidence needed to advocate for causes they are passionate about. This course is ideal for beginners interested in making a difference in the afterschool space.
  • ZOOM Recording
  • Password: u&v9m5!^
  • Slide Deck with resources shared

February 18, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. – Membership Exchange with a focus on Communication, Pitches to Lawmakers, and Building Relationships. The ACT Now Membership Exchange is a place for afterschool educators and providers to connect, network, and source ideas. This month, we’re centering authentic opportunities for Advocacy Post Election 2024: Press & Media Engagement!  Join experts from the ACT Now team to: 

  • identify opportunities for advocacy at the local, state and federal levels
  • develop a strategy for press and media engagement
  • Connect with potential collaborators in the field

March 14, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. – Advocacy Day Training 101 – ACT Now will be hosting a training series on policy and advocacy for the Out-of-School Time space. Join us on March 14th from 10am – 11am for our next session. Building on the foundational concepts of advocacy, this course dives deeper into the strategies, tools, and roles that make advocacy efforts impactful. Participants will explore how to craft compelling messages and build coalitions to influence decision-making.

Key topics include:

  • Advanced communication techniques for influencing policymakers and stakeholders.
  • Developing strategic advocacy plans, including goal setting and resource mobilization.
  • The role of grassroots organizing and coalition-building in driving systemic change.
  • Using data, storytelling, and media to amplify advocacy efforts.

This course is ideal for individuals with a basic understanding of advocacy who are looking to continue to grow their advocacy skills.

April 11, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. – Engaging Youth and Families – ACT Now will be hosting a training series on policy and advocacy for the Out-of-School Time space. Join us on April 11th from 10am – 11am for a session on Engaging Youth and Families. This course focuses on strategies for empowering youth and families to become effective advocates for themselves and afterschool. Participants will explore the unique strengths and perspectives that young people and families bring to advocacy efforts, as well as methods to foster their engagement and leadership.

Key topics include:

  • Understanding the importance of youth and family voices in advocacy.
  • Strategies for building trust and meaningful relationships with youth and families.
  • Tools and techniques for developing advocacy skills in diverse populations.
  • Creating inclusive spaces for collaboration and amplifying underrepresented voices.

Participants will gain practical tools to inspire and support youth and families in advocacy efforts, helping them navigate challenges and build confidence. Ideal for educators, nonprofit professionals, community organizers, and anyone passionate about promoting equity and empowerment, this course emphasizes the transformative power of collective action.

May 9, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. – How to Conduct a Site Visit – ACT Now will be hosting a training series on policy and advocacy for the Out-of-School Time space. Join us on May 9th from 10am – 11am for a session on how to conduct a site visit with legislators and other stakeholders. Site visits are a powerful advocacy tool, offering legislators and stakeholders a firsthand look at the impact of programs and services. This training equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to plan, execute, and follow up on site visits that effectively convey their message and inspire action.

Key topics include:

  • The importance of site visits in advocacy and stakeholder engagement.
  • Step-by-step guidance for planning and organizing impactful visits.
  • Strategies for tailoring site visits to specific audiences, including legislators, funders, and community leaders.
  • Best practices for storytelling, showcasing outcomes, and highlighting needs during a visit.
  • Techniques for building long-term relationships through follow-up and sustained engagement.

Community Advocacy Calls

ACT Now hosts ad-hoc community calls to update Coalition members on important policy changes and provide resources to address identified needs

January 31, 2025: In Response to Presidential Executive Orders and OMB Memo

A centralized landing page with more resources will be out in the coming days

ACT Now Advocacy Days

This year, ACT Now will be hosting three in-person advocacy days in Springfield.

  • General Advocacy Day – March 19th, 2025
  • STEM Advocacy Day – April 10th, 2025
  • Youth Advocacy Day – April 30th, 2025

Registration for our March 19th Advocacy Day is now open! Join program providers, youth, and other supporters of afterschool, summer, and expanded learning programs to advocate for Illinois’ children and families. Participants will also have the opportunity to have lunch with fellow advocates! ACT Now is providing a bus for transportation, however space is limited. 

Advocacy Day will be March 19th, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The deadline to sign up for Advocacy Day is February 28th, 2025. For questions, please reach out to Emma Giamberdino at or Elizabeth Hartnett at

Registration information for the STEM and Youth Advocacy Days will be coming soon.

Youth Voice Week

Afterschool Alliance’s Youth Voice Week is coming up! March 24th through 28th, we are amplifying young people’s voices as they share the issues that matter most to them. Learn more about how your organization can participate in Youth Voice Week here.

Most U.S. Public K–12 Schools Offer After-School Programs But Many Cannot Accommodate All Students Who Want To Participate

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released a report sharing information on school districts’ capacity to offer high-quality afterschool programming. Data suggest that there are more students waiting to get into a program than spaces available, highlighting the importance of school-community partnerships.

New Brief on The Initiative Towards Universal Prekindergarten in California

The Learning Policy Institute wrote a brief on how the state of California is working to implement universal prekindergarten for the entirety of its childhood population. There is data on how many children will be impacted, how many kids are eligible now, and more. There are also highlights of other states that have endeavored to provide universal prekindergarten.

Snapshot of the 21st CCLC Non-Regulatory Guidance

The Afterschool Alliance wrote a blog post sharing several critical pieces within the new 21st CCLC non-regulatory guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education. You can also read ACT Now’s summary, here.

New Brief on Out-of-School Time Learning

The UnidosUS’s Affiliate Network of community-based organizations and public charter schools in Illinois, Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California, developed a policy brief that provides evidence of the critical role of afterschool programs in supporting the Latino community, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.